Living My Best* Life
*Authentic. None of that “Think Positive” BS
A collection of thoughts, stories, and poems from my own self-discovery journey.
36 Things I Want To Be When I Grow Up
When we’re kids, everyone asks us what we want to be when we grow up. They ask this as if we can have only one answer to the question, like we can’t change our minds. I don’t think we should ask children, “What do you want to be?” That puts a lot of pressure to have the right answer before their brain is even done being formed. Instead, what if we asked them, “What do you want to try first?” Anyway, here’s how I’d answer the question with all the things I’d want to be.
Thoughts About Quitting Coffee
Do you want to know what the funny thing is about quitting coffee? Well- actually, I guess there are a couple of funny things I’ve learned about it in the little under a year that I’ve quit for.
Why I Love Going to the Dentist
Call me crazy, but I have this thing, I love going to the dentist.
And to be fair, I guess it isn’t the actual cleaning and sitting in the dentist chair that I love, but it’s this moment right after it’s done when I’m getting checked out by the receptionist on my way out. The lady always asks — with a huge smile, of course — “Ready to book your next appointment?”
I Fell in Love (Love Letter)
I fell in love. I crashed.
Everything about her
The way her hair shines in the sun
I love her unreserved smile
Her cheeks that can barely contain her face
Her inability to keep a straight face for very long
The way she can barely keep her eyes open when she laughs
75 Things That Help Me Stay Grounded
I started compiling this list during the early days of COVID. It took me a while to realize that I was really holding up pretty well, staying grounded, getting my needs met, despite many people around me not having the same experience.
11 Phone and Social Media Habits I Live By
I’ve been practicing some new phone and social media habits for a few months now that have had a really positive impact on me that I thought were worth sharing. It started when I went camping during the summer and spent two days without internet reception.
15 Lessons From The Dog Park
Sometimes the best of pals are made of the most unlikely pairs.
It doesn't take very long to decide whether you and another dog are a good match.
Some dogs will want to play with you, some won’t.
Some dogs you’ll want to play with, others, not so much.
Why I Think I May Be Losing It
I don't know what’s gotten into me. I have this grand idea — it’s to get on the road and travel the country. Only, it may be more than just an idea. It’s as if I can hear this echo, telling me I must go.
The Funny Thing About Traveling Alone: 50 Connections Along The PCH
There’s something funny that happens when I tell people that I’m traveling alone. A few months ago I was telling my friends about a road trip I was getting ready to take down the Pacific Coast Highway.
Then they ask, “Who are you going with?”
And I say, “No one. “
And then the sequence of questions stops. It’s like they can’t go any further in this conversation until they clarify that I did in fact mean what I just said.
What Heartbreak Is Like, in Simple Terms
A story about heartbreak, and how to explain it to someone who has never experienced it.
A Story About The Hardest Workout Of My Life
If you had asked me what I thought my hardest workout would’ve looked like, I would’ve given you a very different answer before this happened.
11 Life Lessons From Learning To Play Drums
I’ve joked before about how the day I get to play drums (I don’t have a set of my own, for which my neighbors should be quite thankful) is either the best or worst part of my week.
When things are clicking, it’s magic, it’s a high, a thrill. But when it’s just not coming together, it’s the most frustrating thing.
Here’s 11 lessons I’ve learned along the way from the past 6 months of learning how to play drums.
Dear Neighbor, I Swear I'm Not an Asshole
I wrote this last year when nothing in my life felt like it was making sense. I was enraged and at the same time was experiencing so much loss and grief. Sharing this now, from a very different mental space, serves as a refreshing reminder that even the most intense feelings can and will pass, if we only let them.
Most Days I Don’t Think Of You; Today Was Different.
[TW: Violence] This story serves as a reminder you that none of us are just one thing, and that we’re all capable of more than we may think.
Why Taking Out The Trash is a Highlight Of My Sunday
Everyone has their own favorite thing about Sundays: maybe it’s the sleeping in, the quiet, the slow brewing of a fresh cup of coffee and actually getting to sit and enjoy it.
I have my own giddy moment - it happens every week, and it might sound weird but, it’s a moment that fills me up with such joy: it’s when I take out the trash.
Let me explain.
Dear Anchor Necklace That Saved My Life
When I met you a year and a half ago, I felt like I just barely survived the storm of my life. I’d gotten caught up in this rip current that took every last ounce of fight out of me.
I needed you to help me get back to shore.
The Secret to Having the Best Year of Your Life
A year ago, you wrote down a promise. You said: This is going to be the best year of my life. I guarantee it.
That sure seems bold for someone who has absolutely no idea and no control over what's going to happen over the course of a year, but you said the point wasn't to feel good. You said the point was to feel.
Well, we sure did that.
How to Know If You Click with Someone (Gravity)
Here’s a story of how I found out what it’s like to really click with someone.
A Promise to the Mountain
A story of the mountains of Big Sur, and all they taught me about myself.
Ready to jumpstart your own self-discovery journey?
Did something you read here resonate for you? Let’s chat about where you’re at in your own self-discovery journey and how I might be able to help.