Small Business Owners

If you’re like many business owners, you invest lots into the business, but it doesn’t seem like as much of a priority to also invest in yourself.

I’ve learned firsthand how much I need to invest into myself personally and professionally if I don’t want to burn out.

That’s why I created this group—the highs and lows of running a business can feel like a roller coaster, and it can be quite lonely.

Relate with any of these?

  • Wondering if the struggles you have are unique to you?

  • Ever wish you could pick the brain of other entrepreneurs and get feedback on something you’re dealing with?

  • Are you so busy working in the business that you don’t actually get to spend much time working on the business?

  • Wish you had a reasonable and fun way to invest in your own personal/professional growth?

What you get:

For a $99/month membership, get access to a private community of entrepreneurs from around the world and meet up twice a month for a chance to learn, connect, and grow together.

  • Two virtual calls per month with other entrepreneurs to learn from each others’ wins and challenges

  • Guest speakers and established business owners to share their insights

  • Live coaching to overcome roadblocks and get clarity on goals

  • Private community with accountability in between calls

When: Based on members’ availability. Next cohort start date to be announced based on interest from registrants. Join the waitlist to be notified of next cohort start date!

Where: Virtually on Zoom

Cost: $99/month (no commitment, cancel anytime)

Facilitated by:
Jolié Higazi, Certified Life and Business Coach

What other small business owners are saying:

Get notified when the next Mastermind starts!