Relationship Boost Session

“The quality of our relationships determines
the quality of our lives.”

- Esther Perel, New York Times Bestselling Author and Relationship Therapist

Can you relate to this in your relationship?

  • Keep having the same arguments over and over again?

  • Does your partner keep pushing your buttons?

  • Feeling like you’re giving a lot more in your relationship than they are?

  • Feel like the same thing keeps happening in all your relationships?

  • Convinced that there’s no more “good ones” out there?

  • Wish relationships and relationship advice weren’t so confusing?

If you answered yes to any of these, you’re not alone.

The 3 Most Common Reasons for Relationship Challenges

  1. Communication Breakdown: This includes the ability to directly and empathetically say what needs to be said, the skills to set and keep boundaries, and the ability to actually listen to our partner.

  2. Lack of Emotional Intelligence (EQ): We need enough self-awareness to understand what our needs really are so we can communicate when our core needs are not being met, (rather than argue in circles about a symptom of the problem).

  3. Misaligned Action: Often, we think we’re making a clear effort to improve the relationship, but it’s actually not all that clear to the other person at all. We need our actions to be in alignment with our communication, otherwise, we’re only communicating that we’re unreliable.

What’s a Relationship Boost Session?

  1. In just 30 minutes, get clarity about what the real underlying problem to your dilemma is.

  2. Gain the confidence you need to see what’s blocking you from taking action towards a solution.

  3. Walk away with a concrete next step you can take to improve your relationship.

Can I really help improve your relationship?

  • Relationships are simple. It’s our emotions that make it complicated. The problem is, we’re often too close and too emotionally invested to see things clearly in our own relationships.

  • But there’s hope…

  • After coaching hundreds of people over the years, I’ve learned to spot the common patterns of relationship problems and the way to help you get to the other side of them.

  • 30 minutes is often all we need to get to the core of what’s happening and what needs to change.

Fill out the form to schedule your free 30-minute Relationship Boost Session with Jolié Higazi, CDCA, Certified Relationship Coach, today!

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Relationship Boost Session