Before you fill out the form to spend 1 hour with me, spend 3 minutes with me by watching this first.

Book Your Free Session

Whether you’re new to coaching or if you’ve had a coach before and are looking for something different, a sample session is the place to start.

You might be thinking:

"But what does a coach do?"

"I don't even know what I could use coaching on..."

You’re not alone. Think of the biggest challenge you're experiencing in your life right now.

It could be:

  • a decision you have to make

  • a fear you want to overcome

  • something you need clarity about

That's all coaching material!

Schedule a 1-hour session from the calendar and you’ll receive an email confirmation within a few minutes.

Wondering what to expect in that session? The beauty of coaching is that you bring the agenda—so come to the session with a topic you’d like to get coaching on.

Note: This calendar is only for initial sample sessions. If you’ve already had a sample session and want to schedule a follow-up, drop me a note.