Living My Best* Life
*Authentic. None of that “Think Positive” BS
A collection of thoughts, stories, and poems from my own self-discovery journey.
A Conversation with Some Body
I want to have a conversation with youWell, my body —My body really wants to have a conversation with youIt’s just got so much to sayAnd so much it wants to hear from your body, too.
A Story About Jon, My Maintenance Guy Who Just Died
The maintenance guy for my apartment died a few weeks ago. I don’t think I’m supposed to be sad. You’re allowed to grieve over losing a family member, a friend, or someone you worked closely with. Jonathan was just this guy I knew, and I didn't even really know him.
When Your Ex’s Team is in the Super Bowl
When your ex’s team is in the super bowl, who do you root for? It can seem like there's no winning, no right answer. But after going to a friend's family party to watch the game, it all becomes clear to me.
Check out the video for a story in a nutshell.
The Beautiful Thing About Old Winter Coats
There's something special about the first snow. It forces you to dig back in your closet to find that old winter coat you haven't worn in months.
If home is a house
A yard for the dogs to play
For the chickens to roam
For the cats to explore and lie in the sun
If that's what a home is
My friends
Then I'm homeless.
A Letter For Luca
Hey Lou,
I’m so sorry this year has been so rough on you.
It breaks my heart seeing you in pain. I know you just want to play and chase squirrels, and I’m the downer that’s always holding you back.
Heck, even on 3 legs and you’re still ready to go, go, go. So we’re going to go on this journey together, to get you back to being you. But I have to warn you, it’s going to suck for a bit, first.
A not-so-everyday story of a white girl pulled over by police
I was pulled over by police the other day
Even though I'm a white girl, I was nervous and even stuttered a bit
I noticed myself consciously putting my keys on the dash and keeping my hands glued to the steering wheel
Even though it didn’t feel like I had to.
You and Me Both, Kiddo.
You and me both, kiddo. We're just here learning how to grow up.
Taking first steps can be scary. Crawling around on the ground is a lot more comfortable.
As soon as you start walking towards something, you realize all you're leaving behind. You don't know what's ahead. You don't know who you'll be when you get there.
A Different Approach to Gratitude
Pay attention to what people say they’re grateful for.
Listen as they recite off their gratitude lists, the ones we’re all encouraged to think about this time of year.
The thing is, out of all those physical and non-physical things mentioned, you won’t hear much that makes the list that’s not something that a person has.
Thoughts on Finding the Right Book to Read
Find a book you can’t help but dive into.
One that you want to read, but yet, some part of you also doesn’t, because you don’t want it to end.
One that makes you want to find all the 3-minute gaps of blank space in your day so you can get through one more page.
Thoughts on Not Having Done Your Best Work Yet
There are plenty of reasons to hold back from taking positive action.
And one of those reasons can be the fear that the idea that you have is a real winner. It’s actually a dangerous thought. Because then you hold on too tightly. You don’t let it out there for the world because it’s not ready. It’s not perfect yet. It has too much potential and you don’t want to squander it.
Why Procrastination is Never the Real Problem
Procrastination’s got a bum rap. It has got to be one of the most overused yet misunderstood excuses there is.
Almost anytime someone’s not doing what they “should” be doing, we blame it on procrastination.
Most of the time there’s an underlying reason, or series of reasons, why one would procrastinate.
The Mess That Comes With Dogs
There’s something to be said for owning a dog.
People first think of companionship, loyalty, man’s best friend. But they don’t realize the other ways owning a dog changes your life.
A Woman’s Journey Fending Off Dementia
You should see the fear in her eyes when she talks about it. That prayer that she’s been saying for years – the other day she forgot how it started. “What were those first few words?”
A Heavy Glimpse into an Ordinary Day of Nurses
She was breathing just an hour ago. We wrote her goals for the day on the whiteboard: Pain management, make as comfortable as possible.
We knew she was going through some post-surgery challenges, but we didn’t realize it’d be the last day she’d ever have goals on the board.
Bicyclist Killed in a Carjacking Hit and Run
A 28-year old bicyclist was killed yesterday, right down the road near the neighborhood ice cream shop.
The guy who hit him was driving a car he’d just carjacked which had a two-year-old in the back seat. He was running from police, going at least 90 mph.
Why Writers Love Blank Pages
There’s something special about that blank page. Something “perfect,” as Neil Gaiman explains.
It’s far less stressful than a full page. They don’t bring about those random thoughts in the shower or right before falling asleep of the one thing you forgot to say.
Gatekeepers: How to Get Stuff Done
There can be a flood of great ideas: concepts that will change the world forever. But if those gatekeepers are strong and stubborn enough, it becomes difficult for those ideas to ever come to fruition. Unless, of course, the holders of the ideas are more committed and dedicated to their jailbreak than the gatekeepers holding them in.
Thoughts On a “Boring” Lunch
Story about finding myself in the middle of a funeral procession today.
What if You Knew You Wouldn't Live Past 30?
Fatima Ali died yesterday, at age 29. She was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer right after appearing on Top Chef, which was looking to be a high point in her life. Only a few months after an initial treatment when things were looking up again, she got news that the chemo didn’t work, the cancer had metastasized, and she had a year to live.
Ready to jumpstart your own self-discovery journey?
Did something you read here resonate for you? Let’s chat about where you’re at in your own self-discovery journey and how I might be able to help.