A Conversation with Some Body

I want to have a conversation with you
Well, my body —
My body really wants to have a conversation with you
It’s just got so much to say
And so much it wants to hear from your body, too.

And I would just tell you right now what it would like to say
I'm not trying to hide or keep it a secret
But the thing is, dialogue is fluid, it’s dynamic
There’s no way to know exactly how it’ll go  
That’s the beauty of it 

It’s a dance of what my body says, what yours says back
What makes me come alive, what takes your breath away 

Even if somehow I could know ahead of time, I still wouldn't be able tell you 
Bodies share a mother tongue, a language that can’t be translated
It would be like trying to use words to describe a melody
Or like trying to define a Japanese phrase for which this dialect has no equivalent
It would never speak to its full essence 

The essence of a conversation is quite magical when you think of it
Because this conversation has never happened before
And it’ll never happen in quite the same way ever again 

Some conversations have a purpose
Some are just for fun
Some you wish you could have again
For others, once was more than enough
Some are quick
Some you wish would never end
In some conversations, you’re surprised by what they say
In others, what you end up saying surprises you all the more

There’s something rare in each one
When you see the magic in it 
How can you not want to have conversations
With lots of different people?
I know I do:
It’s a journey of discovery
I want to see what there is in them, yes
But more so, I want to see what there is in me 
What comes out depending on who I’m talking to

I don't think there needs to be shame around that 
It’s just a conversation.
And that’s what my body wants with you.

It wants to ask you a question that you've never been asked before
Or maybe in a way, that you’ve just never heard it.
I want to float in that moment in between what your body says and what mine says back
When we’re just there, in the same place
That moment after what’s been said has been said
When we arrive somewhere neither of us really knew we were going. 

My body wants that with you 
And tell me if I’m wrong, 
But I get the feeling, your body has something it wants to say to me, too.

So if you’re up for it 
Let’s have a conversation
And let our bodies do the talking.


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