Gatekeepers: How to Get Stuff Done
It’s one thing to need to learn how to step on the gas, but it’s another thing entirely to learn how to step off the brakes.
There can be a flood of great ideas: concepts that will change the world forever. But if those gatekeepers are strong and stubborn enough, it becomes difficult for those ideas to ever come to fruition. Unless, of course, the holders of the ideas are more committed and dedicated to their jailbreak than the gatekeepers holding them in.
Sometimes, you can outsmart and outwit the guards and they would never see it coming. Other times, you can look the gatekeepers in the eye, hear their concerns, and why they’re so passionate about holding it all back. See what they’re so afraid of. Hear them out. And with enough patience and non-judging presence, you might be able to enroll them into your cause.
They can become your biggest advocates — your secret sauce.
The thing is, gatekeepers are everywhere. There are roadblocks to what we can reasonably say, do, and change. But there are also some traffic lights inside us, too. That may say the road ahead already has too many detours, you’ll never get there. Or that it’s too dangerous of a journey. That it’s safer to stay home. Stay inside.
I’d be afraid to die without those ideas living in me that could benefit the world ever coming to light. Not so afraid because of the dying part, but more so because of that overwhelming void that would be left from those unique perspectives never being let out in the world, where it could have made such a difference for so many people.
Here’s to running through the gatekeepers, confident of the value and strength of the ideas that we uniquely have about the world.