
If home is a house –
A yard for the dogs to play
For the chickens to roam
For the cats to explore and lie in the sun

If home is a lawn to weed and sow
Where you try your darndest to get grass to grow
A place to dig up treasures
And bury some too

If home is where you plant your mum's tree
To watch it grow tall over the years
Where the birds always return to make their nest

If home is a fence to keep something in and something else out
If home is the roof you climbed that one time where you could see down the whole street
If home is those damn gutters you never figured out how to fully clean
If home is a place where you're free to vacuum at any hour of the night
If home is a small piece of the planet that belongs just to you

If that's what a home is
My friends
Then I'm homeless.

But if home is a quiet peace
Knowing you're exactly where you need to be
It's all happening just the way it's supposed to
And it'll be better than you could've planned

If home is feeling like you've survived a fire
Blazing in the middle of the night
Yet somehow
You've escaped with the most important thing so intact
And though they put out the flames
Nothing could put out the light in me

If home is a celebration
Of being alive
An inescapable awareness
Of the beauty all around

If home is the audacity
To live freely
And not know what's next

If home is overflowing love
Where everything doesn't need to be perfect
In order to be perfect

If home is feeling safe
Sitting on the floor of an empty room

If home is having the white tips on your fingernails
That you always struggled to let grow

If home is the realization
That you are the only one
Who has been with you each step of the way
From the very beginning
To this exact moment

If home is the joy
When it sinks in
That to be born with such an undying spirit
Is the best thing that could've ever happened

If home is a smooth, unending curve
Buried in shards of glass and dirt

If home is a deep thank you
And a graceful goodbye

If home is the feeling of finally coming back
After being away on a long trip

If this is home
And if home is in me
Then my friends
I've never been more at home.


The Beautiful Thing About Old Winter Coats


A Letter For Luca