Living My Best* Life

*Authentic. None of that “Think Positive” bullshit

A collection of thoughts, stories, and poems from my own self-discovery journey.

Jolié Jolié

Dear High Schooler . . . (From a High School Survivor)


You’re about to enter what could potentially be one of the hardest times of your life. I know it was for me. There will be constant doubts of where you fit in. Where you feel safe. Paddling as fast as you can just to keep your head above water. Just wanting a place you belong. 

Rejection stings extra hard because you haven’t had much time to develop a strong sense of self yet. So you’re gonna grasp for any attachment and attention you can get. It’s normal. You’re gonna have some bright ideas about outfits and hairstyles and things to say or do that you’ll think are True Brilliance. A decade from now, you’ll probably think differently about that and about a million other things. It’s okay. It happens to the best of us.

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