Being Sure of Nothing
[This was written during the controversy surrounding the Brett Kavanaugh Justice Hearings.]
Maybe the key is to go through as much of life as possible, with your mind already made up about as little as possible.
Instead of having it all figured out, make up your mind about one or two key values. Non-negotiables. Grounding points. Something that you don't need to question. You don't need to think about. There's no pros and cons list. It's where the line gets drawn, and at the end of the day, that's what matters.
Whether that's a value of love, connection, courage, humanity, humility, or something else that runs through you. It's something broad, but something that forms the foundation of the life you want to live.
And from there, there's no need to fight so hard for or against anything. You stand by your own value and keep your eyes, ears, and minds open to what you can learn. You don't need to have it all figured out before you step in the room. And you don't need to prove why someone else should adopt your value. It's yours.
And understand that life isn't black and white. A statement isn't always either true or false. What's not a fact isn't always a lie. And regardless of outside evidence for or against you, it doesn't mean it's not your truth. Life is messy. Life is in the gray. And the less that we can think we already know about the gray, the better, and the more open we'll be.
After all, "all that we know is subject to revision. Especially what we think we know about the truth."