There’s' something about catching the moon rising
When it’s big and bright and red
You feel like it’s a big sign out there, just for you
Saying, ‘I’m here, I’m here.’
Sometimes you hear it unexpectedly while you’re on the highway
And you just can’t help but listen
But there’s also something special
When you see it again, later at night: higher, whiter, smaller
And then it’s the moon that everyone sees
The moon that’s not hard to find
But there’s something different that happens, then
You almost feel as if, I know that moon
I know it more deeply
Because I knew it even before it was risen
And I loved it then. Even before the whole world could see
I feel as if life is a lot like that
All the moons I see are just not risen yet
But I’ve known them more deeply
And they stop me in my tracks
With what big beauts they are
And I just wanted you to know
I loved you all along