I see you, child.
I care about your suffering.
Show me where the pain is, the scene of the crime
Show me what needs attention
Show me when you learnt not to ask for or need a thing
Show me who left you
And that vast, empty space it left inside
Show me when you had to go it alone
Show me when it was too much to bear
I am here with you.
Show me your pain and I will kiss it.
We will make it better.
I am here, young one.
You are not alone.
Let me in and let me be here for you.
There is nothing I want more
Let me hold you and wrap your sorrow, your grief.
I am here, precious one.
It is okay to want
And to need
And to long for
I am here, kiddo. And it is all going to be okay.
Show me your cracks.
Your deepest ones still.
I will fill them with love and with care.
Show me, little one.
I am here and I will never leave you.
You will never again be alone with your pain or your joy.
Because you,
Young one
Innocent one
Eyes wide open one
Yes — you
My dear
My dearest
Are my beloved.