Being With You
Being with you is like floating down the river
after a long time swimming upstream.
Being with you is learning a new language
and realizing I already know some of the words.
Being with you is like accidentally walking into the wrong room
and finding everyone there so happy to see me.
Being with you is knowing the bridge isn’t built yet
but still not being able to let off the gas.
Being with you is feeling held
even when I’m doing the holding.
Being with you is swearing we’re going to sleep
and somehow we’re still not sleeping.
Being with you is answering the phone with “hi” instead of “hey.”
Being with you is never actually making it to the end of that one movie.
Being with you is way too many sweets on Thursday nights.
Being with you is a Sunday morning when there’s no rush to get out of bed.
It’s all so magical
even doing absolutely nothing
but just being with you.