Your Best Life Coaching

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Dear Anchor Necklace That Saved My Life

When I met you a year and a half ago, I felt like I just barely survived the storm of my life. I’d gotten caught up in this rip current that took every last ounce of fight out of me just trying to keep my head above water. I wasn’t sure if I could orient myself to where the coastline was anymore, nevermind whether I’d have it in me to swim all the way back. 

I was so traumatized by it all, and I needed you to help me get back to shore. And once I found land again, I needed you to help me catch my breath, to find my bearings, to find North again. 

You taught me how to take in all that had happened and process what went wrong, where the ship first went awry. We looked at what I’d do differently next time. And we looked at the moments where instinct came through that no one could’ve possibly handled better than I did.

You showed me how I don’t need to spend the rest of my life hiding out on the shore for fear of getting lost at sea. You showed me how to once again brave the waters.

You’ve helped me remember that staying grounded, even on shaky seas, is the most powerful ability anyone can have. You’ve helped me etch in that compass so I never have to be afraid of losing it again.

I’ve become a skilled sailor. One that I trust.

So this, friend, is a deep thank you, and a graceful goodbye. 

Please thank your human for me, too. The fact that you came all the way from some commune in France just always made me feel 10x cooler to wear you. You traveled thousands of miles around the planet just to be with me on this journey, and I am so grateful.

Anyway, I’ll see you out on the water. 

